General Information

The Victorian Junior Basketball League (VJBL) incorporates competitions conducted state-wide and provides the highest level of junior competition in Victoria.
The competition includes the U12 to U20 age group for both boys and girls, in a graded structure from the Victorian Junior Championship League to the Regional Competition. The Victorian Junior Championship League serves as a benchmark for excellence in competition and is the premier competition for junior teams nominated by affiliated Associations. Craigieburn Basketball Association (CBA) has successfully competed in the VJBL competition for many years and is proud of both the Championships won and watching our players develop and move forward into Big V and other similar programs. In the 2023 season, we have 29 teams entered into the Competition.
Each season, we aim to have teams representing the Association at the highest level possible and being competitive in the finals series. Player skills and ability development is apriority for both the individual player and Association growth. The selection process for a CBA VBJL team is via a series of tryout sessions and practice games, typically scheduled to be held at the beginning of October. This process allows our Selection Team and Coaches to fairly assess and place players into the most appropriate team for their skills and level of knowledge and to create the best competitive teams across each age group.
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