Team Announcement – U12 Boys
Congratulations to the players listed below on being selected into an Eagles Representative team for the 2024 – 2025 Season.
If you do not see your name listed below, unfortunately, you have not been selected at this time.
Successful players will be placed into squads for the intraclub/practice games and first round of grading to ensure the correct team mix.
Final teams will be set at the end of Grading Phase 1.
To secure your spot in your team, we ask that you register to the team via the relevant PlayHQ link listed below, prior to 1 pm Thursday 17 October 2024.
If you are declining this offer, please do so by 1 pm Thursday 17 October 2024 via email to vjbl@craigieburneagles.com.au
A $100 nonrefundable deposit is to be paid when registering in PlayHQ to accept your position.
Failure to accept your position within the required time frame may result in your position being offered to another player.
Intraclub and Practice Games
Intraclub games will be held on Friday 18 October at 6:40 pm. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the game start time.
Practice games will be held on Friday 25 October 2024 against Whittlesea - boys at Craigieburn, girls at Whittlesea. Times to be confirmed.
The first training session will be Monday 21 October, 5:30 – 7:00 pm, Courts 2 & 3.
Information on the second session will be confirmed on Monday.
Each player must have a compulsory uniform of shorts, singlet, warm up top and reversable training top.
Uniform purchases will be available on-line, direct from the supplier via the following link and invitation/team code
CBA team code is EACEBC@2022
Orders must be placed by the end of October to ensure no delays on receiving your new uniform.
Date of Birth Requirement
The Club must sight either a birth certificate or passport for all new VJBL players on Friday night, prior to the intraclub games.
If there are any questions or concerns, please email vjbl@craigieburneagles.com.au
U12 Boys 1
Coach: Josh Monaco
Assistant Coach: Brett Blake
Team Registration Link: https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/3cea23-9e8ae9e6
Team List
Ayden Atmaca
Baraka Wesonga
Brody Jeffrey
Jack Nolan
Jethro Olorunnisola
Levi Gordon
Lewis Blake
William Taiso Sulaki
Zayne Ross
U12 Boys 2
Coach: Conrad Tirant
Assistant Coach: Jacob Wolnizer
Team Registration Link: https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/3cea23-7b4d2987
Team List
Ali Bolat
Andy Repic
Corbyn Hicks
Ezan Arslan
Jaxon Ras
Joshua Jinto
Kaidyn Cracknell
Miles Bennett
Naman Bajaj
U12 Boys 3
Coach: Chris Zigenbine
Assistant Coach: TBC
Team Registration Link: https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/3cea23-769a6fb3
Team List
Aiden Zigenbine
Austin Syme
Beau Spencer
Denzell Tait
Evaan Bassi
Gurashish Singh
Jaxon Beards
Liu (Leo) Yunzhe
Mason Mizzi
Yaqub Dau
U12 Boys 4
Coach: Eloise Warren-Johnson
Assistant Coach: Ethan Clarke
Team Registration Link: https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/register/3cea23-1300e6bd
Team List
Alessandro Blackley
Jordan Rankin
Lorenzo Cacchione
Christian Francis
Kobie Howden
Jayden Juniour
Austin Kolbe
Ethan Warren-Johnson
Tadiswa Chinagana
Messiah Tatana
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